三、维管植物门 Tracheophyta (二)裸子植物(Gymnosperm): 银杏:侏罗纪极盛,种类繁多,现仅遗留一种,在我国成为活化石 白果可食用,入药有润肺、止咳的功效。
...目及简介 02-03· 被子植物门(Angiosperm)的特征与分类 02-03· 双子叶植物纲(木兰纲)的各目及简介 02-03· 裸子植物门(Gymnosperm)的特征与分类...
gymnosperm m 裸子植物
Gymnosperm Wood 裸子植物木质部
Gymnosperm Stems 裸子植物茎
gymnosperm flora 裸子植物区系
gymnosperm pollen 裸子植物花粉
Chinese gymnosperm 中国裸子植物
gymnosperm fossil 裸子化石
Gymnosperm Database 裸子植物数据库
There are 143 species ancient Angiosperm in 56 genera and 19 families,12 species Gymnosperm in 9 genera and 6 families in Lushan mountain.
参考来源 - 庐山森林生态系统植物多样性及其分布格局·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N any seed-bearing plant in which the ovules are borne naked on the surface of the megasporophylls, which are often arranged in cones. Gymnosperms, which include conifers and cycads, are traditionally classified in the division Gymnospermae but in modern classifications are split into separate phyla 裸子植物 → compare angiosperm
What recorded them were embryos of angiosperm and gymnosperm.
By data collection of the database, we analyzed chromosome features of the group Gymnosperm.
Rock plant, based on natural taxonomy system is classified into bryophyte, pteridophyte, gymnosperm, angiosperms;