... 第一节精神病综合征psychiatric syndrome 一、幻觉症(hallucinosis) 二、幻觉妄想综合征(hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome) ...
alcoholic hallucinosis 酒精中毒性幻觉症 ; 酒精性幻觉症 ; 酒精性幻觉 ; 酒精所致幻觉症
alcohljic hallucinosis 酒中毒性幻觉症
chronic hallucinosis 慢性幻觉症
acute hallucinosis 急性幻觉症
acute alcoholic hallucinosis 急性酒精幻觉症
alcohol hallucinosis 酒精性幻觉症
Peduncular hallucinosis 大脑脚性幻觉 ; 脚性幻觉 ; 幻觉
Hallucinogen hallucinosis 致幻剂性幻觉症
Organic Hallucinosis 唱片名 ; 器质性幻觉症
N a mental disorder the symptom of which is hallucinations, commonly associated with the ingestion of alcohol or other drugs 幻觉性精神病; 通常和酗酒或吸毒有关 [psychiatry]