... live from hand to mouth 勉强度日 ; 度日维艰 ; 紧能满足眼前的需要 ; 仅以糊口 hand-to-mouth 无隔宿之粮的 ; 仅能糊口的 lives from hand to mouth 仅能糊口 ...
live from hand to mouth 勉强糊口 ; 勉强度日 ; 收入勉强糊口 ; 紧能满足眼前的需要
Hand to mouth 心手相牵 ; 勉强糊口 ; 现挣现吃 ; 失意录
from hand to mouth 仅能糊口地 ; 勉强糊口 ; 足够糊口的 ; 现挣现吃地
hand-to -mouth buying 用多少买多少
wooser's hand-to-mouth life 兔宝的悲惨日常 ; 兔宝的悲惨日常主题曲
living from hand to mouth 忧柴忧米 ; 朝不虑夕
hand to mouth pay 温饱工资
live hand to mouth 赚得刚够糊口
"a hand-to-mouth existence"
同义词: hand to mouth
以上来源于: WordNet
ADJ A hand-to-mouth existence is a way of life in which you have hardly enough food or money to live on. 勉强糊口的
Unloved and uncared-for, they live a meaningless hand to mouth existence.
ADV Hand to mouth is also an adverb. 勉强糊口地 [ADV after v]
I just can't live hand to mouth, it's too frightening.