...il and Commercial Matters [1965] 《关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书的海牙公约》〔一九六五年〕 handbill 传单 Handover Ceremony 交接仪式 ..
...of callers at public establishment ] 门房、传达室、商店中的引导员,公共建筑的参观向导 [ handbill ] 印成单张散发的宣传品 [ literature ] 一种起宣传作用的单页印刷品 ..
handbill paper 广告纸
Handbill poster notice design 招贴设计
Hair Lead Handbill 发过传单
Advertisement handbill poster notice design 广告招贴设计
Handbill rack 传单架
commonweal handbill of China 中国公益招贴
N-COUNT A handbill is a small printed notice which is used to advertise a particular company, service, or event. 传单