按照最终制品的不同用途,日本用于制作面粉的原料小麦大致上可分为3类:硬质小麦(hard wheat)的蛋白质含量较高,多用于面包;软质小麦(soft wheat)的蛋白质含量较低,适用于饼干与糕点;介于二者之间的中间质小麦适合用作面...
不同品种的小麦胚乳中的筋度不同,在美国大致可以分为“高筋度硬小麦”(hard wheat)和“低筋度软小麦”(soft wheat),顾名思义,“高筋度硬小麦”(hard wheat)的胚乳中筋度高,而“低筋度软小麦”(soft wheat)的胚...
hard wheat flour 硬麦面粉 ; 硬质小麦粉 ; 硬麦小麦磨成的粉
the Milling of Hard Wheat 硬性小麦的研磨
prime hard wheat 一等硬粒小麦
winter hard wheat 冬性硬粒小麦
hard wheat futures 硬麦期货
ZCE's hard wheat futures 郑州硬麦期货
同义词: durum durum wheat Triticum durum Triticum turgidum macaroni wheat
以上来源于: WordNet
N a type of wheat with hard kernels, yielding a strong flour and used for bread, macaroni, etc 硬麦
The endosperm structure of the soft wheat was looser than that of the hard wheat.
If you cross soft wheat with hard wheat you can produce flour suitable for making bread.
If you cross soft wheat with hard wheat you can produce flour suitable for making bread.