... 诺德斯特龙(Nordstrom)(美国) 诺德斯特龙 (Nordstrom)是美国一个高档连锁百货商店,以鞋店起家,现.. 夏菲尼高(Harvey Nichols)(英国) 夏菲尼高(Harvey Nichols)是英国一家历史悠久的高档百货商店,也..
...)和伦敦最著名的景点之一——海德公园(HydePark)。 海德公园:这里不仅有草坪 还有骑马的人儿 哈维·尼克斯(Harvey Nichols):极致品质。
以上来源于: WordNet
Elsewhere in Leeds brightly coloured sale signs fill shop windows as varied as Ann Summers, a racy lingerie chain, and Harvey Nichols, a pricey department store.
在利兹的其他地方,色彩鲜艳形形色色的销售标牌布满了商店的橱窗,就像在情趣内衣连锁店安萨默斯(Ann Summers)和尼科尔斯一个昂贵的百货商店里。
A spokesman for Harvey Nichols, which has just launched John Paul Gaultiers male make-up range, said this was a natural extension of the trend for male grooming products.
一个来自Harvey Nichols(刚刚开办John Paul Gaultiers男士化妆系列)的发言人说,男士化妆品扩充的趋势是自然的。
The specialist supplier Edible sells a range of delicacies ranging from Thai Curry crickets to BBQ worm crisps which are stocked by retailers such as Selfridges, and Harvey Nichols.