Hazardous wastes 危险废物
Export of hazardous wastes 危险废物的出口
shipment of hazardous wastes 危险废物的装运
Identification standards for hazardous wastes 危险废物鉴别标准
Hazardous Wastes and their Characteristics 危险废物及其特性
Dispersion of hazardous wastes 有害废弃物越境
registration of hazardous wastes system 有害废弃物登录制度
xport of hazardous wastes 危险废物的出口
non-hazardous wastes 无害废渣
Hazardous Wastes Treatment and 有害废弃物处理与管理
The law couldn't be clearer: the Basel convention, supported by European directives, forbids European Union or OECD nations from dumping hazardous wastes in poorer countries.
相关法律规定已经再清楚不过了:受欧盟指令支持的《巴塞尔公约》(Basel convention)禁止欧盟或欧洲经合组织成员国向不发达国家倾倒危害性废料。
Steel waste pickling liquor is one of hazardous wastes with relatively more output in domestic.