organic heart murmur 器质性心脏杂音
heart murmur heart murmur 不正常的心跳
Murmur of the Heart 好奇心 ; 心之呢喃 ; 心脏杂音
functional heart murmur 功能性心脏杂音
systolic heart murmur 收缩期杂音
innocent heart murmur 无害性心脏杂音
heart murmur loudness 心脏杂音响度
diastolic heart murmur 舒张期杂音
同义词: cardiac murmur murmur
以上来源于: WordNet
N an abnormal sound heard through a stethoscope over the region of the heart 心脏杂音
The doctor said James had now developed a heart murmur.
Looked at the heart murmur and cry, I will follow the ebb and flow of emotions.
That a little smile is bright autumn fruit, with comfort in the lost heart murmur.