infiltration heat loss 冷风渗透耗热量 ; 渗入热耗 ; 渗入热损失
additional heat loss 风力附加率 ; 附加耗热量
basic heat loss 基本耗热量
ventilation heat loss 通风热损失 ; 通风设备 ; 通风耗热量
heat loss by infiltration 冷风渗透耗热量
design heat loss 计算热耗 ; 热损失设计
conductive heat loss 导热损失 ; 传热损失
heat loss due to radiation 散热损失
boiler heat loss 锅炉热损失
The sparse distribution of the feathers, however, also allows considerable lateral air movement over the skin surface, thereby permitting further heat loss by convection.
If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss. Can be considerably reduced.
If you use firebricks round the walls of the boiler, the heat loss, can be considerably reduced.