[ 复数 heroics 比较级 more heroic 最高级 most heroic ]
Heroic Age 英雄时代 ; 英雄世纪 ; 英雄时代主题曲 ; 英雄年代
The Heroic Trio 东方三侠全集 ; 方三 ; 三侠系列
Heroic Duo 双雄 ; 米兰双雄 ; 南美双雄 ; 曼城双雄
Heroic Couplet 英雄双行体 ; 英雄双韵体 ; 好汉双行体 ; 双韵体
Heroic Presence 英勇陷阵 ; 英雄之躯 ; 好汉之躯
heroic bloodshed 英雄式血洒
Valiant heroic 飒爽英姿
Heroic Fanfare 勇士们的炫燿
ADJ If you describe a person or their actions as heroic, you admire them because they show extreme bravery. 英勇的
His heroic deeds were celebrated in every corner of India.
heroically ADV 英勇地 [ADV with v]
He had acted heroically during the liner's evacuation.
ADJ If you describe an action or event as heroic, you admire it because it involves great effort or determination to succeed. 艰苦卓绝的 [表赞许]
The company has made heroic efforts at cost reduction.
heroically ADV 艰苦卓绝地
Single parents cope heroically in doing the job of two people.
ADJ Heroic means being or relating to the hero or heroine of a story. 主人公的
...the book's central, heroic figure.
N-PLURAL Heroics are actions involving bravery, courage, or determination. 英雄壮举
...the man whose aerial heroics helped save the helicopter pilot.
N-PLURAL If you describe someone's actions or plans as heroics, you think that they are foolish or dangerous because they are too difficult or brave for the situation in which they occur. 逞能行为 [口语]
He said his advice was: "No heroics, stay within the law."