And Hesitantly 而犹豫不决
I Said Hesitantly 我说欲言又止
I Say Hesitantly 我说欲言又止
I Hesitantly Said 我迟疑地说
She Said Hesitantly 她说欲言又止
She Began Hesitantly 她开始犹豫不决
I Started Hesitantly 我开始犹豫
He Stated Hesitantly 他说欲言又止
Shane Said Hesitantly 巴蒂尔说欲言又止
"he finally accepted hesitantly"
同义词: hesitatingly
以上来源于: WordNet
I replied hesitantly, "Yeah, what's wrong with it?"
"I, uh I wanna climb the stone walls," I said hesitantly.
One can speak hesitantly of literary discourse, political discourse, anthropological discourse, but one doesn't want to go so far as to say literature, political science, anthropology.
But I hesitantly took two hours to fill that essays and now owe her for or owe that phone call for the best two years of my life and truly the happiest.