启发式规则网页主题定位方法绿网系统的应用 关键词:绿色网络;启发式规则;信息定位 [gap=863]Key words:green network;heuristic rules;subject information localization
... heuristic routine 试探程序; 探索程序 heuristic rule 启发式规则; 试探规则 heuristic search 试探搜索; 启发式的搜索; 启发式搜索; 探试搜索 ...
heuristic rule detail 启发式规则
heuristic rule-based methods 法则式
heuristic rule filter 启发规则过滤器
heuristic dispatching rule 启发式派遣规则
rule heuristic 静态着法启发
heuristic traceability rule 跟踪规则启发
heuristic problem solution rule 启发式规则
priority rule based heuristic method 基于优先权的启发式方法
以上来源于: WordNet
By combining heuristic rule and case, we put forward a collision solution support technique by integrating case-based and rule-based reasoning.
After describing real application, it presents the best location query, the priority of target object, the heuristic rule to delete data objects, and analyzes the time complexity of the algorithm.
Second, combining with the result of first step, it carries out branch exchange by using heuristic rule to reduce the defect due to using a method independently and improve the optimization effect.