hiding power [涂料] 遮盖力 ; 复盖能力 ; 覆盖力 ; 遮掩力
hiding power chart 遮盖力图
Hiding Power of paint 涂料遮盖力
equivalent hiding power [冶] 等值遮光力
Determination of hiding power 遮盖力的测定
Good Hiding Power 良好遮盖力
hiding power char 遮盖力图
Hiding Power High 遮盖力高
Perfect Hiding Power 完美遮盖力
A value related to the hiding power of a coating. The ratio of reflectance of the coating over black and white backgrounds at equal film thickness.
A type of coating applied to the substrate surface to improve adhesion of a subsequent topcoat. To improve corrosion resistance, hiding power, surface smoothness.
This series product, has the extraordinary hiding power and the very good albedo and the brightness.