... high-added value 高附加值 High Added Value Crops 高附加值农作物 high added value products 高附加值产品 ...
high added-value 高附加值
down-stream processing with high added-value 高附加值的深加工
high added-value product 高附加值产品
high added value 高附加值 ; 高增值
products with high added value 高附加值的产品
high added value steel 高附加值钢
high added value freight 高附加值货物
high value-added 高附加值 ; 高增值 ; 高附加值的
The economic crisis pushed many manufacturers to produce commodities with high added-value.
As the giants move production offshore, they turn their domestic operations into capital-intensive or high-added-value niche businesses that do not create many jobs.
Since lanolin is a cheap and easily gained material, and the extracted cholesterol is of high added value, this study has great value for industrialization.