由氧化锌烟灰氨法制取高纯锌 - TNMSC 关键字: 高纯锌; 氨; 氯化铵; 氧化锌烟灰[gap=933]Key words: high-purity zinc; ammonia; ammonium chloride; zinc oxide fume dusts
high purity zinc 高纯锌
high purity zinc oxide 高纯氧化锌
high purity zinc oxide powder 高纯氧化锌粉
high purity zinc reference electrode 高纯锌参比电极
However, the dissolved solution contains some impurities that need to be eliminated in order to obtain a high-purity zinc product at the end of the production process.
There is a pillar there of high purity zinc that stood for the duration.
In fact, there is a pillar there of high purity zinc that stood for the duration.