... 副热带高压带 subtropical high pressure belt ; subtropicalhighbelt 中纬[度]高压带 pressure belt 高压变质带 high pressure metamorphic belt ...
ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt 超高压变质带
ultra-high-pressure metamorphic belt 超高压变质带
ultra high pressure metamorphic belt 超高压变质带
high-ultra high pressure metamorphic belt 高压
sulu ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt 苏鲁超高压变质带
Archaean ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt 太古宙超高压变质带
high ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt 高压超高压变质带
high-ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt 高压
high-pressure and ultrahighpressure metamorphic belt 高压超高压变质带
At last, evolution of high pressure metamorphic belt is discussed.
The metagranitoid found in the high ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt ( HP UHPMB ) in the Dabie Mountains is alkali meta granite.
The eclogite bearing high pressure metamorphic belt in the Jiaonan uplift is the eastward extension of the Dabie ultra high pressure belt.