月球连续两次上中天的时间间隔约为24小时50分,这期间地球表面上同一地点发生两次涨潮(high tide)、两次落潮(low tide),因此,地球表面上同一地点连续两次涨潮或落潮的时间间隔为12小时25分。
The stop high tide flows 杜绝水长流
spawning high tide period 繁殖盛期
High Tide Heels 高跟蛙鞋 ; 脚蹼高跟鞋
at high tide 处于高潮中
mean high tide 平均高潮位
high-tide line 高潮线
High Tide Baby 高潮婴儿
N-UNCOUNT At the coast, high tide is the time when the sea is at its highest level because the tide is in. (海水)高潮
Diatoms of this species, sometimes called "commuter" diatoms, remain burrowed in the sand during high tide, and emerge on the sand surface during the daytime low tide.
We set sail (for France) at high tide.
Some stretches of beach are completely underwater at high tide.