[ 复数 hijacks 第三人称单数 hijacks 现在分词 hijacking 过去式 hijacked 过去分词 hijacked ]
... trumpet n.喇叭,喇叭声,喇叭手;vt.宣扬;鼓吹;吹嘘;vi.吹喇叭,发出喇叭似的声音 hijack vt.抢劫,劫持,劫机 sensible a.可察觉的,意识到的,实用的;n.可感知物 ...
Hijack Hunter 间谍扫描 ; 安全辅助工具
Browser Hijack 浏览器劫持 ; 浏览器挟制
Session Hijack 会话劫持 ; 会话挟制
proxy hijack 代理劫持 ; 署理挟制
Brand Hijack 品牌绑架
V-T If someone hijacks a plane or other vehicle, they illegally take control of it by force while it is travelling from one place to another. 劫持
Two men tried to hijack a plane on a flight from Riga to Murmansk.
N-COUNT Hijack is also a noun. 劫持
Every minute during the hijack seemed like a week.
hijacking N-COUNT 劫持
Car hijackings are running at a rate of nearly 50 a day.
V-T If you say that someone has hijacked something, you disapprove of the way in which they have taken control of it when they had no right to do so. 强行控制 [表不满]
A peaceful demonstration had been hijacked by anarchists intent on causing trouble.