[ 复数 hires 第三人称单数 hires 现在分词 hiring 过去式 hired 过去分词 hired ]
Hire 因此,切尔西认为整桩转会都是基于“富有欺骗性的谣传”,米克尔与林恩队的雇佣(Hire)合同根本(Fundamental)是虚假而无效的,因此他们要求挪威俱乐部退回其支付的高额转会费。 3.
Hire Purchase [租赁] 租购 ; 分期付款购物法 ; [贸易] 分期付款购买 ; 留购
car hire 租车处 ; 汽车出租 ; 汽车租赁 ; 租车费
hire order 租用单 ; 出租单
hire invoice 租用我是骗子
Bicycle hire 其它方面
Hire statement 租金单 ; 房钱单
Cost Per Hire 单位招聘成本 ; 成本 ; 招聘成本
hire out 租给 ; 出租 ; 租佃
acqui-hire 人才收购 ; 收购雇佣 ; 人才并购 ; 交易
V-T/V-I If you hire someone, you employ them or pay them to do a particular job for you. 雇用
Sixteen of the contestants have hired lawyers and are suing the organizers.
He will be in charge of all hiring and firing at PHA.
V-T If you hire something, you pay money to the owner so that you can use it for a period of time. 租用 [英国英语]
N-UNCOUNT You use hire to refer to the activity or business of hiring something. 租用 [英国英语]
PHRASE If something is for hire, it is available for you to hire. 供出租 [英国英语]
Helmets will be available for hire at all Vail Resort ski areas.