不过在英国史学传统下成长的思想史教授布罗,没有堂而皇之地称自己的著作为“史学史”(history of historiography),而是追随英国史学大师崔威廉(Trevelyan)的信念,即深信“历史”是一种关于事实、轶闻和传说的写作技艺,而非科学式的“史学”...
A History of Historiography 史学史要藉选读
Chinese history of historiography 中国史学史
History of Western Historiography 西方史学史
History of the Western Historiography 外国史学史
history of music historiography 音乐史学史
History of art historiography 美术史学史
History of Chinese Historiography 中国史学史
Herodotus and Thucydides are two milestones in the western History of historiography.
While history is played by people, historiography is written by people, that fact contain such a implication: unlike history, history of historiography in most concentrated on history writing.
Most historians also said to have great expectations, hope metrological historiography through to its completion of history science.