...的亚盘不太热衷(Keen),该公司该当属于那种靠安定吃水过日子的老实人,偶祈望大众有空也去琢磨(Sato)琢磨这老实人(Honest people),耐性是天才必不可少的素质之一。或许会有心想不到的劳绩
所以我们不得不在回到书店 » So we had to return to bookstore 诚的人 » Honest people 中国0-6岁城市儿童忽视评价常模研制 » Evaluation norm of Chinese urban children aged 0-6 ignore research ..
... 这样也许幸福很多 » This may be a lot of happiness 对人诚实 » Honest people 凉灿 » Cool-CHAN ...
Need to be honest people 需要诚实的人
Need honest people 需要诚实的人
Because you are honest people 因为你们是坦诚的人
Honest people are more successful 诚实的人更顺利
Be Honest People 当老实人
Honest People Everywhere 廉洁人到处可见
Our parents are honest people!
She forced us to grow up into educated and honest people.
We all like honest people, but not all people are honest with us.
Chester Arthur's efforts for honest government and lower taxes won him much support among the people.
VOA: special.2010.04.29
We like people who are honest, who are kind, who are smart, who are funny, but study after study finds more fundamental processes are also at work and here is a list of three of them.
s not going in the future.-We are not going to get out of that, out of a lot of massive contraction. And massive contraction might cause some operations to perish. I knew some Anderson partners who were honest decent people who suffered terribly.