Horizontal M&A 横向并购 ; 水平并购 ; 跨国并购
horizontal M&A tide 横向并购浪潮
Horizontal Reach m 水平延伸
m horizontal m水平
Random m Horizontal 每个粒子沿着随机水平方向移动
m and horizontal m水平
The grid consists of vertical steel profiles with horizontal members every 16-m.
The Study on the Human Resource Integration in Horizontal M&A of Chinese Clothing Enterprise;
The merger and acquisition (M&A) fall into three main categories: horizontal M&A, vertical M&A and mixed M&A.
What I want to do is I want to draw a picture here, in which on the horizontal axis, I'm going to put the probability of the other guy choosing Right.
Excuse me. So what I'm going to do is, let's draw a picture that has S1 on the horizontal axis and S2 on the vertical axis.