在米勒法官宅子中,巴克不是屋里狗(house-dog)和 窝里狗(kennel-dog),他是王,养尊处优,这片领地任他纵横驰 骋,他说了算,无论是天上飞的,地上爬的,统统归他管,连人 也不...
house dog [脊椎] 看家狗 ; 恶搞手工消音塞开箱 ; 家犬
My House Dog 我的宠物狗
The Dog House 狗屋 ; 狗的房子 ; 狗的屋子
dog house 鼓形罩 ; 高频高压电源屏蔽罩 ; 进料口 ; 狗屋
in the dog house 窘迫 ; 陷入困境 ; 小狗屋解迷
Sweet Dog House Escape 逃出可爱小花狗的家 ; 解谜逃脱
big dog house dog watchdog 看门狗
Dog House Escape 找骨头逃出狗屋 ; 小狗逃屋记 ; 狗屋逃脱
"I only hope he is not unwell," said the house-dog.
When he returns home after a day's hunt, he always gives the house-dog some meat. The hound feels very angry.
I share the house with Jim, Ian and Sam, not forgetting Spike, the dog.