Co-operative Housing Scheme 合作建屋计划
Anticipatory Housing Scheme 提早安置计划
Rural Public Housing Scheme 乡村式公共房屋计划 ; 郊区公共房屋计划
Middle Income Housing Scheme 中等入息家庭房屋计划
prefabricated interim housing scheme 组件中转房屋计划
Arts Housing Scheme 艺术之家计划
Public Housing Scheme 公共住屋计划
N a local-authority housing plan 地方政府住房计划
Local residents were angry at not being brought in on the new housing scheme.
Local residents were angry at not being brought in on (ie not being consulted about) the new housing scheme.
The Commission, with help from the World Bank, prepared a housing scheme activity to be included in the EDRP project.