...,权威机构,值得信02月29日 扬州博轩教育助您快速获取人力资源管理师资格证书 人力资源管理师(Human Resources Professional,HRP)指从事人力资源规02月29日 扬州项目管理师职业资格考证 项目管理师指项目管理师是指掌握项目管理原理、技术、方法和工具,参...
International Human Resources professional Certificate 国际人力资源专业合格证书
Human resources management professional 人力资源管理专业
Senior Professional in Human Resources 人力资源高级专家证书 ; 资源高级专家证书 ; 资深人力资源管理专家
Professional in Human Resources 人力资源管理师 ; 人力资源管理专家
Global Professional for Human Resources 全球人力资源管理师
Perhaps the hardest hit of the professional services has been human-resources consulting, where revenues fell by 20% in Britain last year.
也许被打击得最惨的还要属人力资源咨询公司。 去年英国此类公司营业收入减少20%。
Greece's experienced human resources in the tourism market provide professional and cost-effective services to conference organizers.
Under such background, "Social security Study" has become a compulsory or a professional course of colleges in many countries, Specially for the student of the human resources management.