[ 复数 hustles 第三人称单数 hustles 现在分词 hustling 过去式 hustled 过去分词 hustled ]
...孩》 ,推荐指数,新搬来的纽约女孩就是后来演过《断背山》的女演员Michelle Williams:4星 20,推荐指数、《飞天大盗》(Hustle) :5星 5,每一个角色你都喜欢。推荐指数,推荐指数。
kung fu hustle 功夫 ; 功夫未曝光片段 ; 周星驰功夫 ; 片花
American Hustle 美国骗局 ; 美国圈套
hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘 ; 喧闹 ; 忙忙碌碌的 ; 拥挤不堪
the hustle and bustle 喧嚣气氛 ; 龙腾虎跃 ; 喧嚣氛围 ; 拥挤
hustle-bustle 熙来攘往
Hustle and Flow 川流熙攘 ; 饶舌歌王 ; 川流不息 ; 嘻哈客
The Real Hustle 骗术真相
hustle play 精力旺盛的比赛 ; 指季后赛 ; 充满活力的表现
Hustle Kings 台球王 ; 台球 ; 桌球王
V-T If you hustle someone, you try to make them go somewhere or do something quickly, for example by pulling or pushing them along. 猛拉; 猛推
The guards hustled Harry out of the car.
V-I If you hustle, you go somewhere or do something as quickly as you can. 快速行进; 赶快做
You'll have to hustle if you're to get home for supper.
V-I If someone hustles, they try hard to earn money or to gain an advantage from a situation. 奋力争取 [美国英语]
I like it here. It forces you to hustle and you can earn money.
Hustling for social contacts isn't something that just happens. You have to make it happen.
V-T If someone hustles you, or if they hustle something, they try hard to get something, often by using dishonest or illegal means. 诈取 (通常用不正当或非法的手段) [美国英语]
Two teenage boys asked us for money, saying they were forming a baseball team. Anna said they were hustling us.
He hustled several daytime jobs and finished his education at night.
N-UNCOUNT Hustle is busy, noisy activity. 忙碌; 熙熙攘攘
...the hustle and bustle of New York.