儿童多动症(hyperactive syndrome)是以注意力不 能集中、冲动、多动为特征的一组精神障碍。过去认为这 是由于脑的轻微损害或功能障碍引起的,所以又称为儿 童轻微脑...
childhood hyperactive syndrome 儿童多动症
Attention deficit hyperactive syndrome 注意力不足过动症
hyperactive child syndrome 儿童多动综合征 ; 儿童多动综合症
Hyperactive Bowel Syndrome 紧张性肠胃症
The nove, compound was found to be useful for the treatment of human patients for Parkinson's disease, memory disorders, dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT), depression and the hyperactive syndrome.
This organization recruits 2-16 year-old speech disorder, the behavior barrier, the communication barrier, growth barrier children and so on Asi Bergh, hyperactive, zi4bi4 syndrome face the nation.
本机构面向全国招收2 - 16岁的语言障碍、行为障碍、沟通障碍、阿斯·伯格、多动症、自闭症等发育障碍儿童。