冬天会下雪,雪很美好,很漂亮 » Winter snow, the snow is very nice, very nice 我只爱你一个 » I just love you a 加入白糖、醋适量大火翻炒几分钟。 » Add fried for a few minutes with sugar, vinegar and regular fire.
"The most important, maybe even the simplest, is just... a simple, direct expression of emotion," he says. "' I love you."
I love the factthat it’s just you and your opponent on a tennis court; I guess that’swhy I love boxing too.
Personally I do believe you can love things, but I guess it's a sort of loving illusive term, just because you love what they give to you.
But just, you know, living a good life, a well-rounded life, doing what I love.
Just keep doing what I love, you know, surviving and living a good life,