[ 第三人称单数 ignores 现在分词 ignoring 过去式 ignored 过去分词 ignored ]
ignore case 忽略大小写 ; 大小写无关 ; 巨细写 ; 否忽略字母的大小写
Ignore me 不理我 ; 忽略我 ; 无视我 ; 忽视我
Ignore all 全部忽略 ; 忽略全部 ; 忽略所有节点 ; 们间接抉择疏忽全体
Ignore Pain 忽略痛苦 ; 无视痛苦 ; 无视痛楚 ; 忽略痛楚
Ignore Extents 忽略范围 ; 范围忽略
ignore rule 忽略规则 ; 无视规则
IGNORE INDEX 忽略索引 ; 疏忽索引
ignore instruction 无动作指令 ; 否定指令 ; 忽略指令
Ignore back facing 忽略背面 ; 乎略背面
V-T If you ignore someone or something, you pay no attention to them. 不理睬
She said her husband ignored her.
V-T If you say that an argument or theory ignores an important aspect of a situation, you are criticizing it because it fails to consider that aspect or to take it into account. (某论断或理论) 忽视
Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.