... 传统分时环路 ttsl traditional time-shared loop 当时环境 immediate environment; prevailing circumstances 实时环境 real time environment ...
immediate environment termination 立即环境终止
immediate socio-physical environment 立即社会物质环境 ; 直接社会体育环境
Its relationship to its immediate environment seems to play a part in which behavior will display.
Once language starts to develop from about age 2, they do have a system for symbolic representation and can talk about things which aren't in their immediate environment including the past.
Seriously, what's with the idea that the people in your immediate environment are the best you're gonna have?
- She turns to the most salient-- -- and this is the way social psychologists would say it-- -- turns to the most salient object in her immediate social environment-- -- that would be me--and says she's in love.