cellular immunologic response 细胞免疫应答
cellullar immunologic response 细胞免疫应答
immunologic adaptive response 免疫适应性反应
Abnormal immunological responses is induced by altered environmental conditions in cases of AR and asthma. The disequilibrium of Th1/Th2 touches off the allergic inflammation, especially Th2 immunologic response, in the nasal cavity and bronchial mucosa.
参考来源 - BCG、IL·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We proceed many researches on the immunologic response of RV infection of human and animals, but the patent protective mechanism is dimness.
Chloridion participated in various kinds of biological function, such as cellular immunologic response, cell migration, cellular proliferation and differentiation, apoptosis.