... In A Second Paradigm 在第二个范例 In A Second Stage 在第二阶段 Gone in a second 一瞬失去所有 ...
This purified reaction product is used in a second stage: a coupling reaction of the purified activation reaction product with aspartate.
These new Spaces lit naturally and subtly have allowed to incorporate new USES and to visit the original remains for which, in a second stage, we have created the complex system of wooden walkways.
In 1998 Saturday Night received a professional recording, followed by an Off-Broadway run at Second Stage Theatre in 2000.
Let me come off the stage a second, so I can encourage you to get involved in the discussion.
ReadFloat We'll look at it in a second. Let me sort of set the stage up for this -- suppose I want to input -- I'm sorry I want you as a user to input a floating point number.