他们在用死亡的声音咆哮 They cry in the voice of death 个人之于天灾 In face of disaster 沧海一粟 A man is a drip in the ocean ..
In the face of disaster 人在灾难面前
They are still temporizing in the face of what can only be described as a disaster.
Officials also ordered more coverage of "extremely moving" stories, such as blood donations, and said the overall theme should be "great love in the face of great disaster".
"Yes, it’s good to be spiritual, but praying in the face of disaster will not stop the disaster," says Emmerich in an interview with Time Out magazine.
“当然,拥有宗教信仰是件好事,但在灾难面前祷告并不会阻止灾难的发生,”在一次《Time Out》的专访中艾默里奇说。