... 在咖啡馆市场 In The Cafe Market 在咖啡馆的附近 In the coffee shop nearby 在咖啡馆前面有许多花 Many flowers in front of a caf ...
Sitting down at my desk with a take-out cafe latte from the nearby coffee shop in hand, I turn on my laptop.
Sit in the local coffee shop and politely eavesdrop on nearby conversations. Make notes of the exchanges between two people.
Plan to be near the interview spot a lot earlier than when it starts to account for unexpected delays like traffic, and hang around in a nearby coffee shop until it's close to the interview time.
考虑到堵车之类的意外,你还是应该早早到达面试地点附近,在附近的咖啡馆休息下,直到面试时间临近。 。