Alicia键-歌曲的轻微" in the minor key » 在小键 Concerto in D minor for two violins BWV 1043 » 两个小提琴BWV 1043 D小调协奏曲 ..
...rm » 投资者监察经济条件和坚定具体条件,可能影响预期现金流量或不确定程度所发行的证券周围,坚定 in the minor key » 在小关键 in the which » 在其中 ..
... Beautifui love » Beautifui 爱 in the minor key » 在未成年人关键 Is eaten by the dog » 被吃掉的狗 ...
Mr Roberts shows boyish pleasure and admiration at the great feats of arms he describes. But the underlying tones of this magnificent book are in a minor key: furious sorrow at the waste of it all.
Afraid that he will be punished for making a mistake, an employee working on the assembly line in a high-volume manufacturing facility ignores a “minor” production flaw in one of your key products.
Why do tunes in a major key, such as Singin' in the Rain, sound cheerful, while those in minor keys – Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall, say – sound gloomy and depressing?