In order to do out the accurate judgment, we must analyze the drugs price incomplete competition market factor and master cause and effect logic relationship among them.
由于药品的特殊性,我国药品的生产与供给是一个不完全竞争市场。 从而导致我国药品的价格受多种不完全竞争因素的影响。
参考来源 - 影响药品价格的不完全竞争因素分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
We use this model to simulate the specialization under the case of comparative advantage and the route dependence under the condition of incomplete competition and scale economics.
Resulted from the incomplete competition situation, the competition advantages and core competition power of Chinese telecom corporations are not enough to confront the challenge for WTO.
In a complex supply chain system, because of confidential information between vendors, then there will be between suppliers incomplete information competition game.