indirect tax [税收] 间接税 ; 流转税 ; 直接税 ; 欧式报价法
net indirect tax 纯收入 ; 间接税净额
indirect tax credit [税收] 税收间接抵免
net of indirect tax 间接税已扣
indirect consumption tax [税收] 间接消费税
indirect tax burden 间接税收负担
Indirect Tax System 间接税制
indirect tax preference 间接税收优惠
Do you know how to classify direct tax and indirect tax?
Any other name applied to any tax still leaves the renamed tax as a direct tax or an indirect tax.
A tax, such as an income or property tax, is levied directly on corporations or individuals. It is the opposite of an indirect tax, for example, a value-added tax or sales taxes.