... 工业铁路 industrial relations 劳资关系 Industrial Revolution 工业安全 industrial security ...
...洲史此后发展走向不同之原因;并期待由此差异,得以理解中国最终未于明、清二代产生类似西方“工业革命”(Industrial Revolution)之缘由。此三项议题,既牵涉“世界史”之研究,亦牵涉“中国史”之重新诠释。
The Industrial Revolution 工业革命
traditional industrial revolution 传统产业革命
After The Industrial Revolution 自工业革命以来
Industrial Revolution in Russia 俄国产业革命
The Industrial Revolution Began 工业革命开始
Industrial Revolution in France 法国产业革命
Industrial Revolution in England 英国产业革命
the fourth industrial revolution 第四次工业革命
N the transformation in the 18th and 19th centuries of first Britain and then other W European countries and the US into industrial nations 工业革命
The industrial revolution, which started a couple of hundred years ago in Europe, is now spreading across the world.
We observe that the first calls for radical transformation did not begin until the period of the industrial revolution.
Contrast this with farming since the start of the industrial revolution.