industry market potential
... Horse Industry Potential 马业潜力 industry market potential 工业市场潜在需要量 Steel Industry Promotion Potential 特钢行业提升潜力 ...
国际企业环境与管理.Chapter 13‧国际行销管理 13-6 产业市场潜量(Industry Market Potential, IMP), 是指在特定期间,某产品最可能的总销售额。 IMP的估算方法有二种: 由上而下法。
industry market potential
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Yet no industry can afford to neglect half its potential market, and perfume-makers are ever keen to crack the shell of male reticence.
The paper industry may, as a general rule, be a rotten business to be in, but not in a growing market where potential competitors have lost their nerve.
The communication industry also provides significant growth potential for the si market.
Tony Tyler, head of the International Air Transport Association, also used a speech in Delhi Tuesday to call for more cooperation between government and the industry to leverage the Indian market's potential, noting that domestic passenger traffic actually dropped last year.
WSJ: Regulator De-Registers 17 Kingfisher Jets
Next week will bring a number of potential market-moving economic reports from the housing industry, and on inflation, two areas on which there have not been reports in the last several weeks.
FORBES: It's Time For Some Relief
But despite his worries, Prins says he likes to see the mobile payments market in motion because it illustrates the potential of the payments industry as a whole and proves that merchants are seeking new ways to reach global customers.
FORBES: Bringing Trust Back to the Table -- Part 2: Payment Technology