工业园区交通改造规划研究 - xzbu.com 中国论文网 关键词工业区;交通规划;改造;城市更新 [gap=549]Key word: industry zone, transportation planning, reform, city upgrading
... 工业 industry 开城工业地区 kaesong 工业园区 eip; industrail park; industrial estate; industrial park; industry zone ...
5、科学工业园区(Industry Zone) 科学工业园区又称工业科学园、科研工业区、高技术园区等,是以加速新技术研制及其成果应用,缩短研制到生产的时间,服务于本国...
Anhui Jiangnan Industry Zone 安徽省江南产业集中区
Henan Xinxiang Industry Zone 河南新乡工业园区
three-industry zone 三大产业带
Jinji industry zone 金积工业园区
forest industry zone 森工林区
Xiamen Industry zone 厦门工业园区
science industry zone 科学工业园区
Shanghai Sunlong home deco . Co. , ltd , established in 2004, locates on No. 183 Road of LouTang Town In JiaDing Industry Zone.
上海胜隆工艺饰品有限公司组建于2004年,地处 上海市北部的嘉定工业区娄塘镇草庵公路183号;
Conclusion The metabolic syndrome and relevant diseases in this industry zone have become public health problems, to which highly attention should be paid.
The second part explains some notions, for example the industry clusters, regional economic network, characteristic industry and characteristic industry zone.