... + Version : 版本号 + Initial-Time : 这个文件初始创建的时间 + Last-time : 这个文件最后修改的时间 + 修改人的名称 ...
initial time 初始时间 ; 出发时间 ; 起始的时间
initial time gap 初始时间间隙
initial time value 起始时间值
initial-time geometry 初始时刻几何
initial time delay 初始时间延迟 ; 起始时间延迟
initial setting time [建] 初凝时间 ; 初凝期
open circuit initial time constant 开路初期时定数
At Initial Time 在初始时刻
Actually, you were late with the initial proposals, so you have very little time and in fact, we only asked for small changes.
The overall number of bacteria on the surface mattered more, and this decreased over time after the initial introduction.
Each time this initial memory trace is "replayed", it becomes even stronger.
It's very interesting because velocity seems to require two different times to define it -- the initial time and the final time.