... 对...的调查 inquiry into 释义:对癌症的态度调查 Cancer attitude Survey 如果你时常对她过分的调查,她会觉得你很讨厌。 If you visit her too often, she thinks it is boring ...
hold an inquiry into sth 对某事进行调查 ; 某事进行调查
Inquiry into Economic Issues 经济问题探索 ; 关于流通业战略性地位的理论探讨及对策分析 ; 跨国公司网络组织结构与知识流动过程分析 ; 国际银行业并购基于竞争战略
Inquiry into Human Understanding 人类理智研究
An inquiry into 探索范围
inquiry into plantos 植物问答录
Inquiry into Bushido 武士道探析
Parliament voted to set up an independent inquiry into the matter.
The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison.
An independent question is a general inquiry into your opinion on an array of various issues.
Prime Minister Cameron promised Friday that a judge will lead a full public inquiry into the case after police complete their investigation.
VOA: special.2011.07.09
They structure Frost's work as a poet and his ongoing inquiry into that work. Frost poems perform a kind of phenomenology of work, of labor.
Reason permits a continuing rational inquiry into the nature of reality.