n即时通讯(Instant Messaging)是目前Inteet上最为流行的通讯方式,各种各样的即时通讯软件也层出不穷;服务提供商也提供了越来越丰富的通讯服务功能。
即时通信(Instant Messaging)是基于互联网协议的应用程序,它能够使应用不同类型设备的用户一对一进行通信。IM最传统的形式是聊天,聊天即双方互相传送信息。
Mobile Instant Messaging 移动及时通讯 ; 移动即时讯息 ; 行动实时通 ; 动即时通讯
Instant Messaging Group 即时通信群组
Enterprise Instant Messaging 企业即时通讯 ; 企业实时通信 ; 企业实时通讯 ; 向企业即时通信
instant messaging service 即时聊天工具 ; 服务 ; 息服务
Instant Messaging systems 即时通讯系统
instant messaging friends 用实时讯息跟朋友交谈
Instant messaging software 即时通讯软件 ; 即时信息软件
Instant messaging attack 即时消息击
IM-Instant Messaging 即时通讯
N-UNCOUNT Instant messaging is the sending of written messages from one computer to another. The message appears immediately on the screen of the computer you send it to, provided the computer is using the service. The abbreviation is also used. 即时通讯 [oft N n]
...users of the instant-messaging services of Yahoo, Microsoft and other rivals.
9 percent of primary and middle students in China use the Wechat instant messaging App.
For purposes of covering this instant messaging technique in an article format, we scaled down the awareness version that our company uses.
In an experiment at Cornell University, psychologist Jeff Hancock asked participants to try to encourage other participants to like them via instant messaging conversation.