特钢企业集成质量管理系统研究 - docin.com豆丁网 同年美国Illinois大学的Urbana分校的SGKapoor等人首先在AIIE会议上提出了集成 质量系统(IntegratedQualitySystem,IQS)的概念【I”。 所谓计算机集成质量系统(cIQs)就是:通过计算机和网络技术把质量系统内部相 互分离
Integrated Quality System-IQS 成质量系统
Computer Integrated Quality System 计算机集成质量系统
Integrated Quality Management System 集成化质量管理系统
Integrated quality information system 集成化质量信息管理
integrated quality-decision support system 集成质量决策支持系统
Integrated Quality Decision Support System 集成质量决策支持系统
Integrated product development-quality management system 集成化产品开发
The culture compatibility in the integration process of ERP and Integrated Quality System (IQS) is studied in this paper.
Integrated quality system (IQS) is organically incorporated by modern advanced manufacturing technology, quality management concepts, information technology and quality system of enterprise.
An integrated, common-sense application of process management and quality improvement to system development and maintenance.