第一个部分介绍了创世论科学(神创论Creation Science)、科学和智能设计(Intelligent Design):创世论认为物种是上帝创造的;智能设计说认为“ 在自然系统中,有一些现象用无序的自然力量无法充分解释,一些特征必须归结于智...
文艺哲学: 智慧设计论(intelligent design):认为物种进化根本原因并非自然选择,而由智慧设计产生。与传统神创论相比,它是一种更隐晦的认为自然中有上帝印记的理论。
intelligent design theory 理智设计论 ; 智慧设计理论 ; 设计理论
Intelligent design and manufacture 智能设计和制造
Intelligent Design Movement 智慧设计运动
Intelligent Design System 智能设计系统
Intelligent design of separation columns 化工分离塔设备的智能设计
About Intelligent Design 有关智慧设计
intelligent design method 智能化设计方法
bridge intelligent design 桥梁智能设计
The thesis mainly focuses on studying and developing structure intelligent design template.
参考来源 - 基于ANSYS和实例的结构智能设计模板的研究与应用Research method for conceptual design is becoming the key technique of Intelligent Design.
参考来源 - 产品概念设计可拓进化方法研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
N a theory that rejects the theory of natural selection, arguing that the complexities of the universe and of all life suggest an intelligent cause in the form of a supreme creator 智慧设计论; 反对自然选择论,该理论认为宇宙及生命的复杂性是智慧以至高造物主的形式造就的
A United States District Court said intelligent design was not science and could not be separated from religious belief.
VOA: special.2009.12.01
But with this example alone can you realize -- that with some more exercise of thoughts and intelligent-- I don't wanna say intelligent design here, intelligent design can you actually solve this problem so much more efficiently and just as correctly.
More recently, religious groups have supported the idea of intelligent design in public schools.
VOA: special.2009.12.01