...年代际变化 [gap=2578]source regions of the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers,snow cover,spatial distribution,inter-decadal variation ...
The main results show as following:(1) There is obvious inter-annual and inter-decadal variation for polar vortex, including the variation of area, intensity and location.
主要结论如下:(1) 北半球及各分区极涡的面积、强度及位置有着很明显的年际及年代际变化。
参考来源 - 极涡的活动特征与数值模拟及其对我国气候的影响The relationships between East Asian summer monsoon Potential Vorticity Index and IOD, and that between I_(PV) and ENSO display an inter-decadal variation feature, similar with those using indexes defined by Zhang Qingyun and Li Jianping etc.
参考来源 - 东亚夏季风指数及其与IOD、ENSO之间联系的年代际改变·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The main results show as following: (1) There is obvious inter-annual and inter-decadal variation for polar vortex, including the variation of area, intensity and location.
There are distinct differences of the trends of extreme temperature variation between different regions, but the periodic variation analysis show that the inter-decadal variations are consistent.