inturn是哈啾网旗下品牌,2009年,哈啾网首先推出专属设计师主打品牌INTURN,作为服务于年轻女性的潮流品牌,卡通形象成为INTURN服装上的各种印花和配件出现,无限接近年轻人的文化特征和审美趣味。in代表“流行infashion”turn=“独特的、个性的” inturn=时尚和潮流的创造者。
The legal analysis on cognitive process of this "problem" not only affected the formulation of the standards of criminal model, and inturn it form the ideal model of criminal standards.
It was a small step from printing notes tomaking book entries crediting deposits of borrowers, which the borrowers inturn could "spend" by writing checks, thereby "printing"their own money.