inverse beta transformation 贝他逆变化 inverse laplace transformation 拉普拉斯逆变换 ; 拉普拉斯反变换 austenite inverse phase transformation 奥氏体逆相变 ..
... inverse kinetics measurement 逆动力学测量 inverse Laplace transformation 拉普拉斯反变换 inverse matrix 矩阵反演,矩阵求逆;逆矩阵 ...
numerical inverse laplace transformation 数值拉普拉斯反变换
laplace inverse transformation laplace逆变换 ; 拉普拉斯逆变换
inverse laplace s transformation 逆laplace变换
laplace s inverse transformation 拉氏逆变换
Under the ordinary exciting signal, this method of calculation is just in the same form as that for inverse Laplace transformation of rational fraction by partial fraction expansion.
Therefore, in the computation of the time response of a seismograph it is better to use the transfer function, from which the time response may be obtained by the inverse Laplace transformation.
At the same time, using the inverse transformation of Laplace to find the solution of differential equation.