invested capital [经] 投入资本 ; 出资额 ; 原有资本
capital invested in product 产品投入资本 ; 产物投入本钱 ; 产品投入本钱
Time Invested 时间投入 ; 时间的投入
exclusively-invested enterprises 全资企业
foreign invested enterprises 外资企业
capital invested 投入资本 ; 资本密集
overseas-invested enterprises 三资企业
amount invested [金融] 投资额
V-T/V-I If you invest in something, or if you invest a sum of money, you use your money in a way that you hope will increase its value, for example, by putting it in a bank, or buying securities or property. 投 (资); 投资
Many people don't like to invest in stocks.
I'm tired of watching you invest our money in insane projects.
V-T/V-I If you invest in something useful, you buy it, because it will help you to do something more efficiently or more cheaply. 购买
The company has invested a six-figure sum in an electronic order-control system which is used to keep stores stocked.
V-T/V-I When a government or organization invests in something, it gives or lends money for a purpose that it considers useful or profitable. (政府或机构) 投资
...the need to invest in new technology.
Government agencies must invest more funds in training and development programmes.
V-T If you invest time or energy in something, you spend a lot of time or energy on it because you think it will be useful or successful. 投入 (时间、精力)
I would rather invest time in Rebecca than in the kitchen.
V-T To invest someone with rights or responsibilities means to give them those rights or responsibilities legally or officially. 赋予 [正式]
The constitution invested him with certain powers.