Povidone Iodine Solution 聚维酮碘溶液 ; 碘伏 ; 倍德汀 ; 聚维酮碘溶液说明书
Fortified Iodine Solution 强力碘溶液
Lugol's iodine solution 鲁戈氏碘液
Compound Iodine Solution 复方碘溶液
PVP-Iodine solution 聚维酮碘溶液
Gram's iodine solution 革兰氏碘液
Plvidone Iodine Solution 聚维酮碘溶液
aqueous iodine solution 复方碘溶液
Use these when cleaning the wounded area with an Diluted Iodine Solution.
The common methods to identify fermented vinegar and biended vinegar are iodine solution m…
Result: the changes in the conductance of iodine solution were the same as those in the iodine ion solution concentration, but contrary to the iodine solution concentration.